Monday, April 14, 2014

#19 Pilot Mountain Payback Trail Marathon

Race week, what? I love it.

Rattlesnake trail. Too cool to take pictures personally.
Alright, training has been decently far off track. I am hoping that this week serves as the kick in the butt that I need to turn it around for the 100 miler in June. Granted, I am running almost everyday, but I habitually run less than I plan on running because I have felt so run down. I am almost certain that in the past week that I have been sick, but I can never tell because I won't admit it when I am sick. I just go about my ways with far less energy. Today was a good day though. I finally did a workout that I was wanting to do all winter, but the course was constantly covered in snow. I plan on making this a workout that I revisit often throughout my training cycle for both the 100 miler and especially the 50k out in Montana this fall. The arb is slightly less than a mile. On Wednesday I hit up the arb for the workout. The workout is basically a fartlek, press the two long straights and easy down the steep hill and up the big ass arb hill. I can't explain how terribly steep that hill is to people who are not Morgantwats, or whatever the term is for someone living in Morgantown. With the trail marathon on Saturday, and typing this up on Sunday, I am happy that I struggled through this workout Wednesday. Thursday I ventured to Cooper's Rock with Josh and we hit up Rattlesnake Trail which was my first time running/hiking it. It is now my new favorite trail in the park.

If you've read any of my entries, you'll know that I am quick to bash WV. But I can't stand the bad wrap this place gets (because I've always lived in the civilized section). It took several north carolina gals to fill up a full mouth of teeth this weekend. And that horrific southern draw! Not the southern belle, super hot draw. Granted a hot girl has a hot accent as long as the volume is down. The worst thing a female, or male really, can do is talk really loud. There are certainly occasions to raise your voice, either when Minnesota scores a goal or when I am not around. Completely hypocritical when I say that though. I will randomly get really loud regardless of where I am. Ever find yourself in a conversation where you are looking around for video cameras to see if you are being pranked? When my pops and myself were checking in at our choice hotel the manly woman behind the desk started talking...and wouldn't stop. I shit you not, the picture to the right from the Cleveland show is exactly what she looked like! Anyways, she asked if we had dinner yet and not paying attention to what she had said I mumbled no. That response opened up her jello arms and she started pointing every which way telling us about all of her favorite joints to eat in. She had specific recommendations pending on how hungry we were. Not one of the places lacked the buffet option. I assume the only time that those buffets have anything on the table is when she was working. The reason I am being so mean is because I am bitter about leaving my book in the hotel and not remembering until it was way too late to return. I am still hammering out Stephen King's 11/22/63, 300 pages down, 550 to go. And now I am on my second copy. I can already tell that it has a real
Bed mate
opportunity to become the greatest book that I have ever read. I am such a JFK and time traveling nerd that this books makes it hard for me not to get all giddy. I have loved every page of it. 850 pages sounds like a lot, but I can already tell that it won't be enough. It will be impossible for me not to dedicate an entire entry to this book once I finish it. And I am convinced that I will convince multiple cats to read it. And I will be thanked for the recommendation. I mean if you don't like it then you are a communist. Nothing worse than that in the eyes of a 1960 american.

Saturday morning was an interesting start to a race day morning. Evidently all participants received an email the night before with specific directions to the starting line. I didn't check my e-mail. So I just went to the state park like the website said to. After an hour of driving to wrong locations, we made it to the start line! With five minutes to spare. Threw on my shoes, grabbed my bib number, and it was already time to go. I'd say 10-12 steps into the race, pending on how long your stride is, we were all knee deep in the first of eight creek crossings that we would hit throughout the marathon. It was high enough to where I was getting splashed in the face by the water; which became refreshing as the adventure continued. Then we were up the first of dozens of steep climbs. Climbs that are steep enough to make you question what you are doing. The last climb had me saying outloud how upset I was with my life decisions. Granted, at that time I was certain that I was going to die.

Right after 13mi. * I hate steps. Esp in races.
The first 7 miles were not bad at all. A few creek crossings and small climbs in comparison to what would come. When I saw the three half marathoners in front of me turn back I was thinking ' damn, this is a really really easy half marathon for them'. At this point we were standing at the bottom of pilot mountain. Next stop: The top! The next 6ish miles were spend winding and climbing to the top of the mountain. On one of the steep downhills that randomly appeared on the hike up the eventual winner blew by me. I actually stood to the side and let him go because 1. I don't like people on my back when I'm trying to not start a rockslide down a cliff. And B. That's just what you should do. I remember in high school, nothing would piss me off more than running a mile or two mile and junior baby son of a bitch makes you swing wide when you are lapping their sorry ass. I started a habit then that I will forever keep when passing slowpokes. I would swing wide and fold all of my left fingers into a fist excluding my middle finger. And I would jam it right up their ass passing by. On old videos of small races you can see kids hopping in the air as I passed them. The best part about that whole deal was David Collins, my favorite person to lap in high school. I did that to him once or twice and by god after that Collins would be the first to stand in lane two as I approached him after that. It may sound inappropriate, but it cleared the inside lane so I consider it quite appropriate. It's just like someone pulling into the left lane to drive slower than you... Back to the marathon.

The top of Pilot Mountain. And a trail from race.
At the half way point the leader put 5-6 minutes on me. As I got to the knob at the top of the mountain and begin to circle it clockwise, he was coming back from circling it. Typically confidence is on tap for me, but typically I don't feel like death. Storming down the steep mountain I felt great; was really moving. Around 20 miles I was basically back where I had begun but with that luxury came a lot more climbing for me to do. Cross a creek and climb a hill. They had the distance between the creeks down to a damn science. I swear there would be a creek crossing the moment I felt that my shoes were completely dried off by the relentless mid day sun. After doing this twice, after 20 miles, I walked the final creek and hill. List of things that had shut down(in order of pain)- achilles, hamstrings, quads, lower back, calves, head, feet, etc. But that's what I'd expect in a race like that. If it didn't hurt it wouldn't be fun. I was certain that I was being hawked down by third place just like I knew that the leader was opening up an gigantic lead. I will touch on the actual outcome soon. The sights I saw atop Pilot Mountain and circling the knob at the top are second to probably only the Teton Mountains out in Wyoming. There was a moment toward the end of the race that will probably be the last memory of this marathon to escape my head. I changed my entrance into the final creek crossing. Rather than attempting to run into the creek, I decided to pretend like it was the first time that I had seen water. I was very drained and on the hottest day of the short year; I sort of felt like I had never seen water. I crouched down in the water and paused to dip my full arms in the creek and smacked my face against the top of the water. The handful of spectators watching on laughed and cheered. They told me I only had a quarter of a mile left. I told them that I was well aware. Nonetheless I rested in the creek as if it was saving my life. Now we will never know if I would have survived that last quarter mile without drenching myself. It's the longest quarter mile ever.

I finished in 3:45. Only 3 minutes behind of the leader. Only 27 minutes ahead of third. It's funny because no one could have convinced me that I wasn't being run down in the last 6 miles. And there certainly wasn't any way that I would believe that the 5-7 minute deficit I was facing half way through; was actually shortened. Turns out everyone was dying. In trail races I have found out that it is very easy to get stuck in no man's land, but I love that land. In the results below you will see just how alone I was. I crossed the line; no celebration, just relief. I experimented with flat coke on the run. Evidently it settles the stomach. I am curious as to whether or not that was the reason why I couldn't stomach anything for hours after the race. After Wyoming I wolfed down so much food almost instantly. I didn't have flat soda during that adventure and was quick to grab two beers, too. Everyone knows it's easy to eat under the influence of alcohol, etc. I did drink two gatorades, but even that almost came back up. Once my stomach was settled I decided to eat something that I figured would be easy to keep down: Chocolate Xtreme blizzard, 1/2 lb Flamethrower burger, and a large fry from DQ. Is there an easier meal to stomach? Not sure. Driving home through WV from the ass end of the state is the worst trip ever. If you ever have to drive over the New River special bridge on 19 and take 79 all the way to the north, you have my sympathy. I believe that route shows you a lot of WV. That's why I don't like most of it. I am curious as to what you all eat after races. Leave a comment below telling me what you typically eat after a big race/workout. I will decide whether or not you are lame or not lame. If you turn out lame, no worries it's just one person's opinion. But isn't everything.

A few quick notes:
  • March Madness- Champion was the one and only pops. The top three have been awarded a Pirates jersey, Patriots shirt, and Penguins glass.(By request, personally I'm indifferent about the Pirates, not a fan of the pats, but love the cheating coach and pretty girl behind center, and hate Penguins fans more and more by the day.) I finished tied for 2nd worst bracket! 19 total played, Woohoo! Here are the full results:
  • Next Race: Iron Furnace 20k April 26th in OhIhateo. If you want to get beat, show up. *Not saying that I will be the one to beat you.
  • This Week: Back at it and will give the first in-depth training log in quite a few weeks. If you dig those, you're in for a treat. If you do not like running talk, you are in for a treat.
  • Stanley Cup Challenge: I do not know college basketball, but hockey... Hockey is my passion. From a fanatic stand point. Think you can predict the Stanley Cup playoffs better than me? Here is a link. Prizes for beating me? None, but I will be pissed off. That's a great prize.   You have until Wednesday evening to join. Group password: sinbin
  • Rocktape: For anyone who requested Swiss flag Rocktape a few weeks ago and didn't get their way ( went with pink skulls. ) I am ordering Swiss flag in the next few days.
  • Goal Update: Pilot Mountain pushes me all the way up to 2/50 states under my belt. I plan on running a trail marathon+ in every god blessed/damned 'merican state. Ohio in June and Montana in September will put me at 4. If you think you know a fun marathon post 9/11 then let me know. But I won't run a marathon on the roads. 26 miles on a road? zzz...
If the winner stayed home I would have looked like such a boss. Can't wait to run a marathon in shape.

One Love!

1 1381 Edmiston, Jake

03:42:24.154 28 M Marathon
2 1410 McVicker, Dayton

03:45:36.196 21 M Marathon
3 1363 Bartash, Nicholas

04:12:19.443 24 M Marathon


  1. Congrats on the marathon. Way to go!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats on what reads like a rather Epic Journey!! Go AVS!!! Down with the Wild!!
