Friday, February 28, 2014

#6 Open-Ended Life

Friday 2/28
Week 1/16 for Mohican 100 miler

Botanical Gardens
4 miles 35 minutes

Last night was one of those nights where I woke and couldn't return to sleep. So after trying to go back to sleep, reading a little, and starting today's entry I decided to just go run now. 8 miles! Before the sun came up. Then my double would be far a part. So I hopped in my car, slightly underdressed for single degree weather and set off for the gardens. I parked right beside the sign that read: No Parking or Trespassing at dark, but assumed they didn't mean 5am. I set off down the trail and realized that running in the dark sucks just as bad in the morning as it does at night. The first compromise was made when my hands wouldn't warm up. Gloves may have helped that. 6 miles! Too cold to run 8 this morning. As the sun slowly made its way closer it seemed to get dark and honestly, I chickened out. I scare easily, especially alone in the dark in the woods. 4 miles is the least I can possibly run and feel like I ran. And that is only the case when all 4 miles is trekking through snow and hearing what I assumed was manbearpig in the woods. I hightailed it back up to my car and drove into Sabraton to go to the most wonderful place in the local world: Sheetz. Picked up a breakfast sandwich, hot chocolate, and some jelly beans. I was back in my house by six. I had two compromises before the sun rose today, but that is life; you wake up and pick up right where you left off: making compromises. It's a habit I've been trying to kick for years.
My view of the trail this morning. (with headlamp and flash on phone.)

Cooper's Rock
8 miles 62 minutes

Night run with Josh. Can't wait to hit the actual trails out at Cooper's, but I think Preston will be coated in snow through May...

Last night's show was amazing. There could not have been a better start to the night: Taco Bell. Where every great night starts. Ketch Secor from Old Crow Medicine Show rocked the Coliseum to start off the night. He put on one hell of a performance. Then there was the Avett Brothers, easily my second favorite group all time. I sat with Patrick and Dan and just absorbed every single second they sang to us. It's not my first Avett show, but they blow me away every time I see them. There is something special about listening to songs continuously in your car for years and then seeing the men behind the words in person. Their music has been very influential in my life and will continue to be listened to almost daily. I think a good show is one that makes the attendees lives better. I can't speak for everyone, but my life improved from the time I walked in to the the time I left the show. And when Old Crow came back on stage with the Avetts and played the crowd off with Country Roads; it was the perfect ending to a perfect show. Honestly, I have never been more proud of being born and raised in WV than when some of my idols were singing that anthem and talking about how much they love the area. I wish I could take that high and trap it inside forever.
   I returned home to watch Minnesota finish beating up on the Oilers and chalked yesterday up as a good day.

Unprepared Mile Preview 
   This will be the second time in a month or so that a group of us race a mile indoors (having no business doing so). In the first running I took it out in 2:13 and fell back to a 4:35, four seconds behind Josh and two seconds ahead of the charging Adam. Russell crossed the line half of a minute later. This next running will be videoed and shared to bring laughter and joy to everyone who enjoys watching bloodbaths/trainwrecks/deaths/etc. NONE of the participants in this mile Saturday are in the realm of being prepared for a mile. I don't have a reliable starting list because of the weather tonight and tomorrow, but I can promise that the video will be epic! Largely because I plan on running the first half mile as fast as possible just to see how hard I die. There will be plenty of laughs at our expense, so be sure

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