Thursday, March 6, 2014

#10 Come Hating With Me

I just realized that I have subconsciously numbered my blogs as if they were comic books. Growing up I loved reading comic books. And by 'growing up' I mean I still pick up a comic book when convenient. I have the first 50 in the 1984 series of The Flash. Thought about getting all 282ish, but that would involve doing stuff.

Thursday March 6th
Cooper's Rock
8 miles 60 minutes

The weather is still trapped in the thirties, but that is excellent running weather as long as the roads are clear. I love running in pants and a jacket, but I do not enjoy 'needing' pants, so the thirties is kind of my jam. I decided this morning that upon entering my car after runs, or anything really, I am at least fifty years older. When I park and hop out of my car I don't think twice about the volume of my music; just jamming out. But when I get into my car after a run, my car blows my hair back and I frantically turn down the music cursing these damn kids and their loud tunes. By the time I get to my next destination the volume is back to its heights. Perhaps I just get used to the music blasting, or perhaps every time I leave my car there is a little troll in my car 'Car Troll' is what the townspeople call him; and he turns my music up while I'm out and snickers in the backseat when I get startled. I know what you're thinking- oh a troll in the car that's scary! It's not like a Chucky doll that suffocates you from behind; it's a cute troll. He is uglier than sin, but it makes for a colorful personality. 

Terra Cafe
8 miles 62 minutes

Rail trail gang formed with Josh and Jillybean. I don't call her that, but I call her that. We are now 1-0 in rail trail turf wars. That is all. Post run I returned to the place where I am loved to join up with Patrick and Chris as we attempt to become the coolest trivia trio ever. 80% success rate I'd imagine.

First time in Terra for a couple of weeks. I think there was an old lady gathering in the back again. That happens from time to time. There may be nothing more annoying with eavesdropping on older ladies talking amongst themselves. But I can't help but do it for the same reason I watch the first three quarter of NBA games sometimes. It's fun to intentionally annoy yourself from time to time. Recently I have had to try to annoy myself. I have been in the best place over the last two or three months. Honestly can't think of a happier time in my life. Reasons- a stampede of small things. Since I am at my peak happiness in this life to this point I figure there is no better time to go hating. I've been known to do things such as make parodies just to draw out hatred and see how people react. That's one of my biggest forms of entertainment. Here are a few of my hates:
  • Flake Flake Flaky people. I rarely make plans in advance because I can't stand backing out of plans or people that back out. So as a flake-proof plan, I never make plans more than a day or so ahead of present time. Flaking is the one trait I have made an effort to eliminating. If someone flakes on me, they miss 3-4 consecutive invites to things that I would otherwise invite them, too. That's the justice system, I just make the rules and enforce them. 
  • Stupidity in the streets. Before the roundabout in Morgantown I had far less complaints about idiots that took full advantage of the easy driving test and have a license when they shouldn't. Yield mean stops, Stops mean yield, and Roundabouts mean turn left... Today was comical on my way to Terra. This car was trying pull out and go left on Burroughs St, right down the hill from Colin's Ferry Rd. and I wouldn't have let her pull out in front of me but it was an oriental woman so I had no choice. Sure enough when I waved her on she floored it! In reverse. I loved every second of her mishap. And did not let her out.
I could go on and on, but I'd rather here what everyone else hates. This song covers a lot of my hates and is cooler than reading my list. Take a listen, POST your hate(s), and come hating with me and Passenger!



  1. Thing I Hate: Movies with horrible sequels.

    It's depressing when movies are made that just shit all over standing masterpieces. Movies such as Dumb and Dumberer, Rocky 5, The Next Karate Kid, and the entire Star Wars Prequel Trilogy are just a few examples. Naturally, the obvious thing to do is to store any memories of these movies into the recesses of our mind, like locking them away in the warehouse where they kept the Ark of the Covenant (where Indiana Jones 4 should be).

    A movie sequel I'm particularly worried about is 300: Rise of an Empire. 300 was great. Full of action and inspiring speeches from our very own Russ Mulley himself. (see link)
    This is a sequel I'm not too excited about. I enjoyed the narrative of the original. The story as told by Russ made the story epic and mysterious like a mythological tale fitting of the Greeks.
    The sequel seems to go off in a different direction, like any modern action movie with a straight forward plot. No mystery, just killing and maybe an occasional boob scene.

    1. Agreed. You know what sequels did not suck?? Back to the Future! Sure 3 was a little worse than the first two, but still kicks every other movie's ass. I do not recognize any of your complained sequels. I'm really good at blocking out shit. Here's to a semi decent 300 movie

  2. Long winters, being sick, and cats are all a hate I share with many people but that's too easy. So I ask you good people reading daytons blog, have you ever been to Yeager airport? As many of you know West Virginia is far behind in many areas but our airport in the capital city is particularly embarrassing. One fine day I got to spend 7 hours there waiting because the pilot couldn't land the plane my brother was on. Also they break you down hard in there. 24/7 news coverage of the Newtown shooting was on every TV. If interviews with parents talking about their elementary age kid being killed doesn't make you think people are messed up then nothing will.

    1. Haha cats make me sick. I left the 2010 state cc meet for Yeager airport. It was a shitty as rest of the state south of Morgantown. I recall being questioned because I was 17 and had this big ass beard and was suppose to be the minor with the adult Neptune, all clean shaven and younger looking. Luckily there were only like 7 people on the plane. (75% seats filled)

  3. My wifes at a Passenger show ....

    I hate bros. I....fuckin hate! BROS

  4. I HAVE WIFE, I HATE BOYS, I SO STRAIGHT readin ya loud and clear..Josh....Simpson? What is that, french?

  5. I hate (most) women... women are wicked creatures - stewie

  6. I hate runny eggs
