Sunday, March 9, 2014

#12 Sunday Funday

**BREAKING NEWS: I went through my settings and noticed I had it to where only registered users can comment on blogs. I changed that to 'anyone'. You can now comment anonymously. So if you have any previous blog you want to comment on- go blow up the comment box! I'd like to hear from anyone on their take on previous blogs/questions that I have asked. 

March 9th
Week 3/16 for Mohican 100 miler

PA Gamelands
30k (18.6 miles)  2:36
Post run. Somehow survived even though I lost gallons of blood.

First run of the week was a solid one. The Sunday wolf pack met back up (Josh,Travis,Adam,Digs) and took to the Gamelands. With the rise in temperature we finally had the ability to run some trails. There were a few parts of the trail that had snow lingering around, but for the most part the trail was in great condition; if you don't mind mud. I suppose all of the snow was still on the trail but it transformed into the form of mud and water. Aside from a short stretch through thorns, Travis did a fine job leading the train. I think he was attempting to eliminate me from the rest of the run. Above you can see the picture of my open wound. How I finished the second half of the run with such a deep, haggard scratch really speaks to my determination and pain threshold. I seriously only cried for like...five or six minutes. This was only my second time to the Gamelands and my first in the woods. The roads out there are basically dirt so it's impossible not to get a good running surface out there. We hit 30k of straight trails and practically didn't double back on any part of the trail. Evidently we only explored about a third of the trail system, so the next 30k trail run could be in the same park and on completely new trails to me. This park is easily the best place within an hour (80 minutes) for running on trails. Cooper's Rock is good enough and only a handful of miles away, though. I'd really like to be able to do a lot of my running on the trails now; I'm not sure if we are supposed to get any snow from here on out. Hope not. I've had my share of snow for the next couple of years. This winter has been both the coldest and most accumulation of snow in my memory. Global warming either doesn't exist or forgot about this area.
Awesome mud cut off from my my socks. Look at dem white feet.
After the run I picked up some food from one of my favorite places to eat; Kenyan Cafe. If you are ever in Morgantown and want to try something that you probably don't have all of the time- Kenyan Cafe is the place for you! I had every intention of snapping a picture of the delicious meal that I had, but it smelt so good and I was so hungry that I forgot about the picture until there were only a few bites left. I'll give you a mental picture. Shut your eyes. Are they shut? Now picture a lamb stew with kale, veggies, mandazi bread, and a masala tea. If you read that with your eyes shut, that is pretty cool...pretty cool. I also had more orange banana juice; which is awful, so don't buy any of my juice. Sidenote- if you notice my moomoo KT tape on my achilles and would like some or other really awesome designs, check out Rocktape HERE. And if you are one of those people who do not believe in KT tape, think it's all 'mental', you can suck a butt. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I'm right you're wrong. I learned that when I used to go to Sunday School. Seems to be the answer to everything.

Have to admit, I felt decently accomplished today until I was driving home from Kenyan Cafe and stopped behind a car with the best bumper sticker ever. I tried to take a picture, but my phone sucks when it comes to doing things like taking pictures, getting online, calling, text messaging, but it's really good at other things such as hide and seek, turning off while charging over night so it doesn't wake me up in the morning, and jumping out of my in the least opportune times. It's a hate/love relationship. It loves me, I hate it. Anyways, noticed this bumper sticker and laughed; causing masala tea to awkward make it from my mouth to my nostrils. It was hot and uncomfortable. 3 hours later when I sniff I still smell/taste tea so that it isn't that bad of a situation. That bumper sticker made me go from feeling accomplished to completely inferior; both of that driver's completed tasks today and his ability to find and place funny bumper stickers on his car. My only bumper stickers are Morgantown Running and Siesta Key (SK) sticker. Neither make me laugh, but I did enjoy both of them until here recently. Twice now I have been confronted by Saskatchewanadians who are like 'You from Saskatchewan, aye?' My natural response upstairs is Why would anyone be from Saskatchewan? Both times I just said no and stared at them until they stopped eagerly smiling at me. I assume they were smiling because both times it happened out at Cooper's Rock when there was a thick sheet of snow on the roads and they were cross skiing. I blame the local Canadians for the amount of snow we received this winter. My favorite goaltender is from Regina, that's the only I'm so nice to that area. Also, Moose Jaw is an awesome name for a city. That's all I know about that state of Canada. I also know they only have 13 states (provinces in French). It's like, c'mon Canada it's not 1776.
Favorite Goalie Ever/Only Goalie Autographed puck I own
Josh Harding (left) has such a beaut stache going in that picture. He was leading the league in save percentage and goals against per game this season before he had a season ending injury. Last year he even led Minnesota Wild to a victory in the playoffs against the soon to be Stanley Cup Champions Blackhawks. 2nd rd pick in '02 by Minnesota he has been a lifer with the team. For years he served as the back up, but this year he won out the role of the starter. The only reason I am sharing this is because I mentioned my favorite goalie from Regina and he's been on my mind a lot recently. Last year he was diagnosed with MS(Multiple Sclerosis) and missed most of last season while he figured out his medication. They say MS is different for every person who gets it, so I assume that process was trial and error. This year he came into the season not only able to play at the NHL level, but was in the best shape of his life and was putting up league leading stats. He was already my favorite goalie prior to the diagnosis because he's such a class act and had such a passion for both the game and the organization. The diagnosis couldn't of happened to a less deserving person; of course no one deserves that. I'm worried that he won't return to the ice again, but regardless he has made a great mark in the league and on the Wild team. I hope that he finds time to join the staff after his playing days do end; that would be amazing. He has started a foundation to raise awareness for MS, Harding's Hope, as well as raise money to help those with MS or those with family members suffering from the disease. Definitely something to check out. Here's a link to his foundation-
Being an avid follower of the Wild for 5+ years and nothing short of a fanatic, I view every member of the team as family. It absolutely breaks my heart that this has happened and I wish him the best moving forward. MS may shorten his playing days, but he will forever continue to inspire anyone who come in contact with him and be a boss of a dad. I would love to get to talk to him in person one day; one of the many solid role models within that organization.

Sabraton Rail Trail
4.4 miles 34:50

 I ran again this evening knowing that my legs would be absolutely dead. My rationale was- maybe every run after a harder trail run feels like crap; if I run tonight, I will feel better tomorrow morning. I can not access the validity of that thought until tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Generally I am wrong about things like that, reasoning is always a little off. We shall see. I am going to sleep like Patrick Star tonight.

BRACKET CHALLENGE: Selection Sunday is 7 days away, but I will give a link to my ESPN group throughout the week. I want to get as many people in my group as possible. There WILL be prizes for the best brackets. The winner will get a shirt or hat to their favorite sport team. (out of Digem's pocket) Doesn't have to be a college basketball team, if you're like me you don't want a college t-shirt or hat. So whatever your favorite team is, in any sport, you will get a shirt or hat if you win. If More than 12 people join, I will make the prizes for the top 3 brackets. More than 25 top 5 brackets will get prizes.

Step 1: click the link -

Step 2: sign in to/ sign up for your ESPN account

Step 3: enter the group password - pajamapants (all lowercase)

Step 4: NEXT Sunday evening the bracket will be available to fill out. Fill it out then!

Better see ya there!

**- not that breaking of news.

1 comment:

  1. Peter pooped his pants today #familyguy
